Home What We Do Certify Humane Treatment Zoos & Aquariums

Our Impact in 2024

Animals protected at zoos and aquariums.

Certified zoos, aquariums and conservation parks.

Countries where you can find certified facilities.

Zoos and aquariums have become modern-day arks of hope for many species. Zoos and aquariums not only fund thousands of conservation projects, they are vessels to safely house and help sustain populations of critically endangered animals.

Our zoo and aquarium certification program allows for independent, third-party verification of the humane treatment of animals in human care, based on rigorous science and evidence-based practices.

Developed by our Science Advisory Committee — independent, respected veterinarians and experts in animal welfare, animal science, zoology and ethics — these standards serve as a benchmark of humane care to which institutions can aspire.

When you see the American Humane Certified™ logo, be assured that the facility meets our high standards of animal care.

This is definitely needed in our industry, as we all work to improve the level of care of animals.

DVM, Former President & CEO, Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

Visit a certified zoo or aquarium

The good work that professionals at zoos and aquariums do is helping to save species, provide life-saving research and education and inspire millions of visitors each year to protect the animals they see and interact with.

Certify your facility

Does your facility meet the highest standards of welfare and care for animals? Interested in becoming certified and demonstrating the excellence of the humane standards of your facility?

Scientific Advisory Committee

Our science-based standards are informed by this group of respected veterinarians and experts in the fields of animal welfare, animal science, zoology, and ethics who have decades of experience protecting animals.

Lara Croft, DVM, DACZM

Veterinary Scientist, Morris Animal Foundation

Ramiro Isaza, DVM, MS, MPH, DACZM

Professor of Zoological Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida

Xavier Manteca Vilanova, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Animal and Feed Science, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

James F. McBain, DVM

Veterinary consultant

Ken Ramirez

Executive Vice President and Chief Training Officer, Karen Pryor Clicker Training

Suzi Rapp

Partner, The Kuzo Group, LLC

Stephanie Stowell

Director, Zoo and Aquarium Projects, Tessere

F. William Zeigler

Vice President, Aquarium & Zoo Resources, Inc.