Home What We Do Certify Humane Treatment No Animals Were Harmed™

Our No Animals Were Harmed™ program, the leading industry-sanctioned effort with oversight of animals in filmed entertainment, has made the protection of animal actors its duty for over 80 years. Our certification is the trusted standard for the humane treatment of animals in film and television, recognized internationally by filmmakers, TV producers and the viewing public, who rightly expect and demand the humane treatment of animals on set.

Our Impact in 2024

Animals protected in filmed productions.

Days supervising animals on set by Certified Animal Safety Representatives™.

Productions supervised in 25 countries on 6 continents.

About the Program

The No Animals Were Harmed program follows comprehensive guidelines specific to each animal species. The guidelines were developed and are regularly updated by our Scientific Advisory Committee of independent experts in animal science, behavior, veterinary medicine and ethics.

Certified Productions

Scientific Advisory Committee

We rely on this distinguished group to guide and review procedures, guidelines, policies and ethics.

Bonnie V. Beaver, DVM, MS, DPNAP, DACVB, DACAW

Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University

Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychology, Utah State University

Gail C. Golab, Ph.D., DVM, MACVSc, DACAW

Associate Executive Vice President, Chief Veterinary Officer, Animal Welfare Division, American Veterinary Medical Association

Debborah Luke, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President of Conservation, The Florida Aquarium

James F. Peddie, DVM

Distinguished Faculty Chair and Staff Veterinarian (Retired), Exotic Animal Training and Management (EATM) Program, Moorpark College

Charlie Sammut

Professional Animal Trainer

Claudia Sonder, DVM

Veterinarian, Co-Owner, Napa Valley Equine

Alina Vale, DVM, MS