Home What We Do Certify Humane Treatment

Our Impact in 2024

Farm animals protected under our welfare standards.

Animals protected at zoos and aquariums.

Animals protected on 1,000 film productions worldwide.





Pet Providers

Pet Providers

Working Animals

Working Animals

Zoos & Aquariums

Zoos & Aquariums

Make compassion your lifestyle.

Every decision you make has the power to shape a more humane world. Our animal welfare certification marks gives you the confidence to choose products, services and experiences that align with humane values. Whether you’re buying food, visiting a zoo, enjoying filmed entertainment, or planning animal-centered experiences, our programs help ensure that animals are treated with care, dignity and respect.

Each mark is more than a symbol—it’s a lifestyle. By choosing products and services with our certifications, you’re joining a movement that puts animal welfare at the forefront of everyday decisions. Look for our certification marks and know you’re supporting practices that make a positive difference for animals, people and the planet.