Care for Our Heroes
We are committed to helping our veterans and retired military working dogs. We honor their service and save lives on both ends of the leash.
Our Work in Action
We train dogs in need of forever homes to become life-saving service animals for veterans and retired first responders struggling with post-traumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). We reunite heroes, bringing military working dogs home to retire with their former handlers.
America’s two and four legged veterans served us – now we are honored to serve them.
We put lifesaving leashes in the hands of veterans and retired first responders and reunite America’s military working dogs with their former handlers.
Lois Pope LIFE Center for Military Affairs
Philanthropist Lois Pope is one of the nation’s leading advocates for America’s active-duty military, disabled veterans and military animals. She was the driving force behind the establishment of the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial in Washington, D.C., the nation’s first and only permanent public tribute to the four million living disabled veterans and those who have died.
Lois Pope created the American Humane Society Lois Pope LIFE Center for Military Affairs to build on our 100+ years of work with the U.S. military by providing life-changing, life-saving programs for veterans and retired first responders.
The program offers meaningful support to our Armed Forces with two key areas of focus: first, providing lifesaving service dogs to veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress or Traumatic Brain Injury; second, protecting America’s military working dogs and recognizing their heroic contributions to our country – both on and off of the battlefield.
With her help – and yours – American Humane Society continues to care for our military heroes at both ends of the leash.