Corporate & Foundation Giving
Explore the many ways companies, employees and the community can join American Humane Society in making a difference for animals everywhere.
Connect with us today to join the impactful network of Our Partners who have united to ensure the rescue, care and protection of animals across the country and around the globe.
Contact Tracy Jones at [email protected]

Partner With Us
Your support of American Humane Society through mission-driven giving, employee engagement, and cause marketing campaigns will help us rescue, care, and protect animals across the country and around the globe.

Sponsor an Event
Showcase your brand and network with industry leaders at one of American Humane Society’s signature events celebrating our impact for animals everywhere.

Matching Gifts
Use this tool to confirm if your employer will match your generous donation and download the information needed to request the match.

Workplace Giving
Give through your employer-sponsored workplace giving campaign or start one with your company. These resources can help you and your coworkers make an impact for animals, every day.