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Project Survival’s Cat Haven Achieves the American Humane Certified™ Distinction for Animal Care, Welfare and Wellbeing

American Humane, the United States’ first national humane organization and the world’s largest certifier of animal welfare practices, announced today that Project Survival’s Cat Haven, a conservation park in California, has earned the distinction of American Humane Certified™ for its high standards of care and treatment of animals.  

“We are thrilled that Project Survival’s Cat Haven has met the standards to become American Humane Certified,” said Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane. “Project Survival’s Cat Haven is an innovative conservation park that promotes the preservation of wild cats in their native habitat. This certification provides American Humane with the opportunity to recognize the extensive reach of the animal welfare movement at zoos, aquariums, and conservation parks around the world.” 

Rigorous Certification Standards: 

To be recognized as American Humane Certified, Project Survival’s Cat Haven passed a rigorous independent assessment that reviewed the wellbeing of animals in their care. The unique process is guided by the latest science and best practices and is informed by respected veterinarians and experts in the fields of animal welfare, animal science, zoology, and ethics who have decades of experience in protecting animals.  

The independent validation process provides visitors with confidence that the institution is meeting a high benchmark of care. The process includes submission of a pre-audit application, followed by an onsite audit that assesses animal welfare. Factors considered during the audit include, but are not limited to, housing, food, water, lighting, shade, sound, activity levels, and the training of staff who are interacting with the animals. The benchmarks are species specific. 

“Project Survival’s Cat Haven is excited and proud to be certified by American Humane,” said Dale Anderson, Founder of Project Survival’s Cat Haven. “Being recognized by an organization that puts the care of animals first is a great honor. To save cats in the wild, we need people to meet their wild cousins that are cared for at the Cat Haven. Making a connection between people and the cats gives us the opportunity to help protect wild cats worldwide.” 

The American Humane Certified™ program is the first certification effort solely dedicated to helping verify the welfare and humane treatment of animals living in zoos, aquariums, and conservation centers across the globe. The program enforces rigorous, science-based, and comprehensive criteria for animal welfare that are reviewed by an independent Scientific Advisory Committee comprised of world-renowned leaders in the fields of animal science, animal behavior, and animal ethics. The audit helps to verify good practices at deserving zoos and aquariums and offers increased assurance to visitors that the institution they are visiting is worthy of their support.  

About Project Survival’s Cat Haven 

Project Survival’s Cat Haven is an innovative conservation park dedicated to the preservation of wild cats. The Cat Haven spans across 93 scenic acres just west of King’s Canyon National Park in California, where Project Survival offers guided tours of some of the rarest cats in the world. Project Survival also focuses on educating people about the plight of endangered cat species and raising funds for conservation projects in the wild. Working to mitigate problems between cats and people in the wild, these projects are vital to protecting and conserving these beautiful animals. Project Survival is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please visit www.cathaven.com to learn more about Project Survival’s Cat Haven. 

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