Home What We Do Certify Humane Treatment Farms Farm Scientific Advisory Committee Stephen Reichley, DVM, PhD, CertAqV

Stephen Reichley, DVM, PhD, CertAqV

Assistant Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University

Stephen Reichley is a Certified Aquatic Veterinarian and Assistant Clinical Professor at Mississippi State College of Veterinary Medicine serving the Global Center for Aquatic Food Security and the Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine. He also serves as the Risk Mitigation Specialist for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish.

Previously, he served as the Director of R&D and Fish Health for Clear Springs Foods, the largest producer of freshwater rainbow trout in the United States, producing over 9,000 metric tons annually. In this role, he had oversight of all aspects of R&D, including internal and external project portfolio; clinical fish health and welfare for all brood, hatchery, and grow-out operations; Diagnostic and Research Laboratory; and the Water Quality and Analytical Laboratory.

Dr. Reichley received his BS from The University of Findlay, DVM from The Ohio State University, and PhD focused on aquatic animal health from Mississippi State University. He has experience with the production of many aquatic species and has published numerous scientific peer-reviewed articles as well as industry and outreach publications related to aquatic animal production, health, and welfare. Dr. Reichley is a regular guest speaker and has given lectures and seminars throughout the world to veterinarians and those working in the aquaculture industry.

He has served several roles within the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association, currently serving as 2020 President-Elect; is an active member of the American Association of Fish Veterinarians, currently serving as a Director-at-Large; and is a member of the Technical Standards Committee for the American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section. He previously served as the Attending Veterinarian for the USDA ARS RSPER Envirotron Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), on the Board of Trustees for the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society, and as a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee.